Effective Monday, May 11, all Capitol Corridor passengers must wear a mask or face covering while using the service. This is in compliance with the nationwide requirement implemented by Amtrak, Capitol Corridor’s operating partner. Amtrak issued a press release about this requirement on May 7, 2020. Many counties along the Capitol Corridor route also require face coverings to be worn in public.
The new policy requires customers to wear a face covering over their nose and mouth while in stations, on trains, and on connecting buses. Passengers may remove their face covering when seated alone or with a travel companion in their own pair of seats, or when eating at their seat (Note: Café Car service is temporarily suspended, but passengers may bring their own food on train and consume at their seat.) Small children who are not able to maintain a facial covering are exempt from this requirement.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the use of simple cloth face coverings or masks to slow the spread of the virus and prevent transmission. Customers must supply their own face covering and may visit the CDC website for detailed instructions on how to make one..
As a reminder, the Capitol Corridor and Amtrak continue to take extra steps to promote public health and safety for essential travel. Additional measures include the following:
- Enhanced cleaning: We have increased the frequency of cleaning service on our trains and at stations to multiple times a day, and in some cases, on an hourly basis. We have also increased the use of disinfectants that kill viruses to wipe down handrails, doorknobs, handles, and surfaces.
- Increased supplies of disinfectant products: Hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes for customers and employees are available on trains and at stations. Bathrooms with hot water and foaming soap are also on all trains for frequent hand washing.
- Cashless payments: Until further notice, payments by cash are not allowed in stations and on trains.
- Social distancing guidelines: Passengers should maintain a distance of at least six feet from other people. Despite significantly reduced service frequency and ridership, we are continuing to run the same number of train cars to facilitate social distancing on board trains. Conductors and bus drivers are also available to help riders find an appropriate socially distanced seat.
- Suspension of food and beverage service: Café Car service is suspended until further notice on board all Capitol Corridor trains.
For more information about the Capitol Corridor’s response to and service during COVID-19, please see the news story on our website.