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Thousands of Travelers Avoid the Pain at the Pump & Ride the Rails Instead – Capitol Corridor February Ridership Up 11%

OAKLAND, CALIF., March 15, 2012 — As gas prices rise, more Northern California travelers are avoiding pain at the pump by riding Capitol Corridor trains instead. For the second year in a row, train ridership in February rose to double digits. Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA) officials announced an 11% increase in ridership when comparing 2012 February ridership to the same period last year. “We continue to be pleasantly surprised with our February ridership results,” CCJPA Chair Bob Franklin said. “In February 2010, 110,280 people rode our trains. Last year, when gas prices soared over $4 gallon 125,201 riders ditched their cars. This year, a record 138,516 travelers chose the Capitol Corridor, breaking previous February thresholds. Affordability, reliability and superior customer service prove to be a winning combination which attracts thousands of new riders each month.”

Winning combination

The combination of high gas prices, Capitol Corridor’s 94% on-time performance and customer amenities make Capitol Corridor intercity passenger rail service a popular transportation choice. “For over three years, the Capitol Corridor has ranked number one in the nation for reliable passenger rail service for a system of its size,” Franklin added. “Besides its reliability and affordability, riders enjoy the many activities you can do while riding the Capitol Corridor that you cannot do while driving: access the internet for free, work, read, use your phone to talk or text, and even sleep!”


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