The Capitol Corridor has teamed up with Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) and Visit Sacramento to bring you the opportunity to win the ultimate foodie prize pack. Enter by September 8, 2017 for your chance to win a hotel stay, dinner, train tickets (on the Capitol Corridor and BART), and more for the annual Farm-to-Fork Festival in Sacramento on September 23, 2017!

Labor Day Weekend is here, and that extra day off means extra fun! Many Labor Day events are happening all along the Capitol Corridor route, so grab friends and family and plan your holiday travel without the hassle of traffic. The best part is that our Take 5 for $5 Weekend deal is good on the Labor Day holiday Monday — buy one full-fare ticket and bring up to five companions for $5 each person, each way! For ideas on what to do, including Gold Rush Days in Sacramento and a hip-hop festival in Oakland, read our latest Weekend Picks on the blog.

With the arrival of extreme hot weather that is expected to persist through the Labor Day weekend, the Spare the Air program in the San Francisco Bay Area has provided us with a few simple tips to help residents avoid smog exposure:
– Avoid driving alone to help keep air pollution levels lower during a heatwave. (The Capitol Corridor train is a great option!)
– Visit www.BayAreaCommuteTips.org for commute alternatives, transportation maps, and incentives.
– Sign up to receive Spare the Air alerts, which are issued when ozone pollution is forecast to reach unhealthy levels. Ozone pollution is particularly harmful for young children, seniors, and those with respiratory and heart conditions.
To find out when a Spare the Air Alert is in effect in your area, you can register to receive alerts. Here’s how:
For the San Francisco Bay Area: Register at www.sparetheair.org, call 1(800) HELP-AIR, download the Spare the Air app, or connect on Facebook or Twitter.
For the Sacramento area: Sign up at www.sparetheair.com or connect on Facebook or Twitter.

Did you know that nearly one in five Capitol Corridor riders carpool or rideshare to the train station? This is according to results of our annual on board passenger survey we conducted this past May. Every year, we do this survey to learn more about our passengers and gain insights into ridership trends. A summary of this year’s results is now available on our website. Thank you to those who participated.

The City of Sacramento heard from many commuters, locals, and visitors about their master plan for the Sacramento Station. If you did not have a chance to attend their workshop on Friday, August 25, you can still learn about and comment on the proposed concepts by participating through their virtual workshop through Friday, September 1.